Douglas McGregor believes that two basic kinds of managers exist

Sep 25, 2023
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Douglas McGregor was heavily influenced by both the Hawthorne studies and Maslow. He believed that two basic kinds of managers exist and there is no wonder why in a business center, in an office, in a big company, people can't avoid comparing the attitudes of their manager to the other manager because it is proven by the study of McGregor that two basic kinds of managers exist. One type, the Theory X manager, has a negative view of employees and assumes that they are lazy, untrustworthy, and incapable of assuming responsibility. On the other hand, the Theory Y manager assumes that employees are not only trustworthy and capable of assuming responsibility, but also have high levels of motivation which are all true. The beliefs of the managers as shown in the results of the study proved that employees can create self-fulfilling actions through their behaviors that are inspired by what the manager expects from them like their good performances at work. These managers create situations where subordinates act in ways that confirm the manager's original expectations. Of course, the employees work for inner satisfaction and never aim to receive materialistic rewards. The role of the workers may shift according to their behaviors and the treatment of their managers. Many like to applaud the Theory Y manager.
This is actually true, I think my previous boss falls into the X theory. He always feel we are not doing our best. Anyways how these managers act would also affect how the employees behave in his absence and also when he is around.
We have to applaud the managers under Theory Y because they are all assuming that employees are not only trustworthy and responsible but have high morale and levels of motivation Those managers under Theory X are having employees resign because they are judged as untrustworthy employees.
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