E-car or Fuel car?

Oct 22, 2023
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Now a days e-cars are getting very popular and some countries are planning to prevent the cars that are running with fuel and promoting healthy environment by minimizing the hazardous gas that comes from cars that are running with fuel, but what do you think about electric cars will they be long lasting and strong like fuel running cars? i am asking that because electric cars are new and we have less than 10 ear of experience with them, so will they las longer than fuel cars?
Your priorities will determine whether you choose an electric automobile or a standard fuel car. Electric cars are more environmentally friendly and cost-effective in the long run, whereas fuel cars may be more convenient in terms of refueling. When making a decision, consider your demands as well as environmental issues. Currently in my country, fuel is very expensive and electricity is costly and not stable in most places.
you are right we choose the the car based on the cost wise and long run stability, in my country thee are only few maintenance place for electric cars, most of car garages are mastered on only fuel running gas, and the spare parts available on the markets are only for fuel based cars.
I just need e-cars to become a bit more affordable and come in a size that I need. We used to have a Prius, which is a hybrid and not an e-car, but our family is too big for one now.
Currently only fuel since I don't have electric charge station nearby. Closest is around 70km from my place. Since I live at 4th.floor charging from home plug is not option.
Yeah its very hard to won an electric car if there is no charging station nearby you, and in my condition electric cars are bit expensive in my country and the maintenance fee is also high.
Does anybody have experience with 10 years old electric cars? New cars are to expensive but old hold price so I want know how they hold. Battery life, replacement parts.
That's is the problem electric cars have been on the market for less than 10 years but the company that are selling electric cars will give you a 10 year warranty for the battery life but we don't know how they are because we don't have any experience.
Until we see them on long run like 10 years, I am stick to gas or diesel. Golf 7 with diesel engine can run over 20 years and 300 000 km. Just regular maintaince and you don't have any problems with it.
I also have the same idea, as long as i can see how long those electric cars stay active i can't trust them and spend all my money on buying electric cars, in my country there are a furl running cars from 1986 and they are running perfect.
For now I would go with cars that run on fuel, this is cause we still lack stable power supply so having an electric car would be a waste, and I know my country 🙄
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