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Employee whistle blowing us an attempt if an employee or former employee of an organization to disclose what he/she believes to be a wrongdoing or unethical conducts in or by the organization. Whistle blowing caj be done internally externally, personally or impersonally.
Some of the wrongdoings as a result if which an employee may whistle blow are:-
*} Where an organization's product is policy us harmful or dangerous to the members of the public.
*}If he has tenable evidence to prove the unethical conduct or wrong-doing
*} If he observes that the organization is doing something harmful or threatening to the consumers, employees and any other stakeholders which is against his own conscience.
Some of the wrongdoings as a result if which an employee may whistle blow are:-
*} Where an organization's product is policy us harmful or dangerous to the members of the public.
*}If he has tenable evidence to prove the unethical conduct or wrong-doing
*} If he observes that the organization is doing something harmful or threatening to the consumers, employees and any other stakeholders which is against his own conscience.