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New Feature! Exciting Updates to Our Staff Team Structure and More!


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Sep 2, 2023
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Hello Discussion Bucks Community,

We're thrilled to announce some significant changes to our staff team names and colors, reflecting our evolving community and the dynamic nature of our forum. As we strive to make our platform more engaging and user-friendly, we've updated our staff titles and color codes to better represent the roles and responsibilities of our team members.

Here’s What’s New:​

  • Profit Partners (formerly Admins): Moving from the traditional red, Profit Partners will now be identified by a regal Royal Purple, symbolizing leadership and responsibility.
  • Engagement Coordinators (formerly Community Managers): Previously in orange, they will now sport a vibrant Teal, reflecting their vital role in fostering community engagement.
  • Earnings Enforcers (formerly Moderators): Changing from green, our Earnings Enforcers will now be marked with a bold Red, emphasizing their crucial role in maintaining fairness and order.
  • Digital Promoters (formerly Media Team): Switching from yellow, this team will now be represented by a bright Magenta, highlighting their creativity and promotional efforts.
  • Staff Member: Adds a new icon to the banner.
  • Novice Scribe: Adds a new icon to the banner.
  • Wordsmith: Adds a new icon to the banner.
  • Literary Virtuoso: Adds a new icon to banner.
  • Bronze Supporter: Adds a new icon to banner.
  • Silver Supporter: Adds a new icon to banner.
  • Gold Supporter: Adds a new icon to banner.
  • Registered Member: Added a user group banner (previously didn't have one).

New Icons for Enhanced Recognition:​

Each group now features a distinct FontAwesome icon to match their new identity (due to maximum file sizes, we will only show the staff banner changes):

  • Profit Partners: 1719287854002.png
  • Engagement Coordinators: 1719288269751.png
  • Earnings Enforcers: 1719288294163.png
  • Digital Promoters: 1719288322155.png
  • Staff Members: 1719288824486.png
These changes are not just cosmetic! They align with our goal to make team roles more intuitive and the forum’s structure more transparent. Alongside these updates, we're excited to announce that we will be rolling out a series of new features over the next several months. These enhancements are designed to improve your experience and provide you with more tools to interact and thrive in our community.

We appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm as we grow and evolve. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, we're excited to see how these changes enhance your interactions on Discussion Bucks.

Warm regards,

The Discussion Bucks Team
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