Extroverts more likely to be successful in business?


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Oct 20, 2023
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Most offline businesses require the business owner to meet a large number of people, convince them to purchase the product or service. So extroverts are more likely to be successful offline, and online also extroverts are more likely to get orders. Have you observed this trend?
There is no denying the fact that extroverts have more advantages in this field, but all might not be successful. I have seen some introvert also do well. They only talk when they need to, after that they keep themselves in their shells.
Yes, I suppose so, especially if you are in sales. You must be able to persuade potential clients to buy. However, it does not apply to everyone. Some extroverts are unsuccessful in business. It really depends on the location, efforts, etc.
I don't think so, being extroverted is not a professional quality, to be successful you have to have knowledge of what you are doing and consistency in your work, that is, persistence and work.
Yes you have to have skills but being extrovert could make things easer for you you can have more connections prove your point and be a better talking but yes skills do speak louder
Of course yes because the extroverts are very outspoken and can express themselves with ease. They are therefore deemed to be so productive in the business industry.
That's right as business needs those that can speak out and talk about their business to lure people to buy.
That's me an extrovert and having good sales as a car agent and insurance underwriter. I received an award as Top 1 insurance agent. I closed many offices , schools for students insurance protection and Group Personal Accident Insurance. Only extrovert types can do huge sales of insurance and cars. It's so exciting kind of money making.
Extroverts would know how to relate with customers to turn them to repeat customers. Their personality traits gives them a higher chance of doing business and succeeding.
Yes, extroverts are social animals and this is what business needs people that can easily interact with others without being shy.
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