Flash floods killed 16 people in Indonesia

Oct 3, 2023
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Flash floods in Indonesia have killed sixteen people, and six more are still missing, according to officials. Torrential rains pushed mud, rocks, and trees down a mountain, causing rivers to overflow their banks. This resulted in extensive devastation to four hilly districts in North Sumatra province, with houses washed away and fields damaged.

Rescuers, together with police and troops, are using farm equipment and others to look for the missing and recover the bodies. They've even taken to utilizing their bare hands in these efforts. The rainy season, which lasts from October to March, frequently causes landslides and flooding in Indonesia.
Natural disaster is something that is becoming rampant recently. Last year, about four destructive hurricanes reavished human lives and properties. Three major flooding that also killed many and live many homeless. May god protect us from unforeseen disasters.
It's just January and a lot of things have been happening, let's just hope things would get better his year.
Yeah a lot of bad news around the world this few days. Hopefully it would stop and give people a break from it
Flash floods also happens in the Philippines especially in the Greater Manila Area. It causes devastations of lives and properties. It's not good to live near river banks and seas.
Your last line is apt It's not good to live near river banks and seas. you would always be disturb by incessant flood
Your last line is apt It's not good to live near river banks and seas. you would always be disturb by incessant flood
Those who live near the river could easily be swiped by the flood. Their shanty homes are easy to uproot by the strong current of the flood. Those who live in the sea are also prone to the rage of a tsunami.
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