Follow This 8+8+8 Rule in Business

Sep 25, 2023
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When we talk about 8 + 8+8, it means Mindset, Success, Motivation. Living a balanced life is easier said than done. Work, family, health, and personal goals compete for our daily time and energy. Finding harmony amongst these priorities is a constant challenge in life, at work, and in business. Our mindset must correlate with others' ideas to achieve goals ts achieving success that drive us to motivation. That’s why the simple yet effective 8+8+8 Rule has transformed thousands of lives through dedicating their 8 hours a day to work, personal time, and the rest sustaining motivation and success will be achieved. This Rule requires some mind shifts, and practical tactics for each life to attain the goals in business or development for the family. We noticed that in all offices, the employees are required to serve 8 hours a day. That is the power of the 8+8+8 Rule.

I think I would try putting this rule into effect and see how it goes. Like you said living a balanced life is extremely hard, especially when your business is still growing. Most times we tend to neglect our health and even loved ones.
I think I would try putting this rule into effect and see how it goes. Like you said living a balanced life is extremely hard, especially when your business is still growing. Most times we tend to neglect our health and even loved ones.
It is not only that, 8+8+8 entails our 8 hours of daily services at the workplace. If leave the workplace after exhausting the 8 hours, there will be a salary deduction. This rule reminds everyone in the office about this deduction and be reflected in the payroil.
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