Forgive, yes. Forget, never. Do you agree with that?

It is okay to forgive but never forget, in my personal opinion. And based on personal experience. It is okay to forgive the person who hurt you but do not rekindle the friendship or relationship, especially when they betrayed you. It is case-to-case basis, I guess.
It is okay to forgive but never forget, in my personal opinion. And based on personal experience. It is okay to forgive the person who hurt you but do not rekindle the friendship or relationship, especially when they betrayed you. It is case-to-case basis, I guess.
Yeah, forgetting will make use to fall in their trap again.
What I know is, it's easy to forgive than to forget and I don't really think we should forget because when we do we are only make ourselves vulnerable.
You are right, forgiving is easy because even if we don't forgive the person he or she will not lose anything, but forgetting the thing they did to us will make a difference.
But sometimes it is good to forgive and forget for your own sanity. People sometimes can be very annoying
Yeah, people are annoying, but if you forget what they did to you, then you will give them another chance to hurt you.
Yeah, people are annoying, but if you forget what they did to you, then you will give them another chance to hurt you.
Yeah but these are two different things. To totally forget I do move away from such people I never look back.
The truth of the matter is that there have always been some misunderstanding when they say forgive and forget. You can't actually forget. Forgetting can easily allow you make the same mistake. Yes forgive but never forget what Happened. What you should actually forget is the pains. When you can think back about what someone has done or how they hurt you and no longer feel that deep pain within you, it shows you are healing.
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