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Genetic engineering in agriculture: good or bad?


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Sep 28, 2023
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A few advantages of genetic engineering, which includes gene editing, are increased crop yields, more rapid and accurate breeding, the creation of more nutrient-dense food, and a reduction in the need for pesticides and herbicides.

Farmers may be able to grow more food thanks to genetic modification, which can make plants more herbicide-tolerant and disease-resistant. Food security and lower food prices can result from this. Therefore, it seems like a decent one to me.

How about you? What are your thoughts on this?
The only part which we have left out is the fact that there are some organisms which make these foods grow abnormally like that. Those organisms are also dangerous when consumed by individuals and can result in people having cancerous cells, people having abnormal growth which can lead to obesity. Genetically modified foods are very dangerous.
Am still not fully sure about this cause most of the plants would be made to grow through abnormal environments and procedures, then there is the issue of chemicals being used.
The only part which we have left out is the fact that there are some organisms which make these foods grow abnormally like that. Those organisms are also dangerous when consumed by individuals and can result in people having cancerous cells, people having abnormal growth which can lead to obesity. Genetically modified foods are very dangerous.
No sir. I am a practising agriculturist and agropreneur and I would you categorically and authoritatively that before any genetically altered food product is used mainstream, it has to be approved by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). They are an arm of the United Nations and they perform thorough testing before approving any scientific food boosting procedure.

If anyone is taking food and getting harmed by organisms, the person should hold his local producer and marketer responsible for cutting corners and not blame it on genetically engineered food production process that has been approved for global adoption.
No sir. I am a practising agriculturist and agropreneur and I would you categorically and authoritatively that before any genetically altered food product is used mainstream, it has to be approved by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). They are an arm of the United Nations and they perform thorough testing before approving any scientific food boosting procedure.

If anyone is taking food and getting harmed by organisms, the person should hold his local producer and marketer responsible for cutting corners and not blame it on genetically engineered food production process that has been approved for global adoption.
Well on paper everything looks great and people tell us that their primary interest is to ensure that the Food safety standards are adhered to and International legislature is disseminated from the top to the bottom so that everyone is aware of what is obtained on the grounds. Countries have consumer protection units and Standardization agencies. This implies that the Food and Drugs Act which is the law where food safety is enshrined is adhered to. That being the case if it was followed exactly on the ground then we would not be where we are at right now. Despite the Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO) ensuring that Food on the market is Wholesome and fit for human consumption I still believe that there is a lot of adulterated food that is not wholesome on the market out there.

Junk food is the leading cause of non-communicable diseases or lifestyle diseases, why because these foods are rich in enhanced nutrients and organisms that cause obesity and some cancerous cells. If we look at the rate we are having so many diseases mushrooming these days then you realise that we definitely cannot rule out some of these foods on the market. More especially the Genetically modified foods. I do not know why they find themselves on the market or maybe they enter through the black market.

According to MedlinePlus:Genetically engineered (GE) foods are foods that have had their DNA changed using genes from other plants or animals. Scientists take the gene for a desired trait in one plant or animal, and they insert that gene into a cell of another plant or animal.Source:https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002432.htm#:~:text=Genetically engineered (GE) foods have,of another plant or animal.
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So basically GE foods are meant to make our lives better but I think in the actual sense although it is premise evidence or premiss of proof I think they have contributed a lot more to the health complications that we are currently having in many countries. more especially non-communicable diseases That is my opinion.
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No sir. I am a practising agriculturist and agropreneur and I would you categorically and authoritatively that before any genetically altered food product is used mainstream, it has to be approved by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). They are an arm of the United Nations and they perform thorough testing before approving any scientific food boosting procedure.

If anyone is taking food and getting harmed by organisms, the person should hold his local producer and marketer responsible for cutting corners and not blame it on genetically engineered food production process that has been approved for global adoption.
@King Belieal Am a biochemist and i concur with what you explained. But i must remind you that genetic engineering is still evolving and there are millions of things still unexplained in biochemistry of these genetic modified plants. All these UNO and FAO assertions may be upturned tomorrow by superior scientific evidence. Remember that once you tamper with natural order of things, you will definitely have counter reaction to balance the equation.
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Well on paper everything looks great and people tell us that their primary interest is to ensure that the Food safety standards are adhered to and International legislature is disseminated from the top to the bottom so that everyone is aware of what is obtained on the grounds. Countries have consumer protection units and Standardization agencies. This implies that the Food and Drugs Act which is the law where food safety is enshrined is adhered to. That being the case if it was followed exactly on the ground then we would not be where we are at right now. Despite the Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO) ensuring that Food on the market is Wholesome and fit for human consumption I still believe that there is a lot of adult red food that is not wholesome on the market out there.

Junk food is the leading cause of non-communicable diseases or lifestyle diseases, why because these foods are rich in enhanced nutrients and organisms that cause obesity and some cancerous cells. If we look at the rate we are having so many diseases mushrooming these days then you realise that we definitely cannot rule out some of these foods on the market. More especially the Genetically modified foods. I do not know why they find themselves on the market or maybe they enter through the black market.

According to MedlinePlus:Genetically engineered (GE) foods are foods that have had their DNA changed using genes from other plants or animals. Scientists take the gene for a desired trait in one plant or animal, and they insert that gene into a cell of another plant or animal.Source:https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002432.htm#:~:text=Genetically engineered (GE) foods have,of another plant or animal.
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So basically GE foods are meant to make our lives better but I think in the actual sense although it is premise evidence or premiss of proof I think they have contributed a lot more to the health complications that we are currently having in many countries. more especially non-communicable diseases That is my opinion.
@Carson20t You are right in your explanation but in science, words must be used scientifically to make sense to a scientist.
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Well on paper everything looks great and people tell us that their primary interest is to ensure that the Food safety standards are adhered to and International legislature is disseminated from the top to the bottom so that everyone is aware of what is obtained on the grounds. Countries have consumer protection units and Standardization agencies. This implies that the Food and Drugs Act which is the law where food safety is enshrined is adhered to. That being the case if it was followed exactly on the ground then we would not be where we are at right now. Despite the Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO) ensuring that Food on the market is Wholesome and fit for human consumption I still believe that there is a lot of adulterated food that is not wholesome on the market out there.

Junk food is the leading cause of non-communicable diseases or lifestyle diseases, why because these foods are rich in enhanced nutrients and organisms that cause obesity and some cancerous cells. If we look at the rate we are having so many diseases mushrooming these days then you realise that we definitely cannot rule out some of these foods on the market. More especially the Genetically modified foods. I do not know why they find themselves on the market or maybe they enter through the black market.

According to MedlinePlus:Genetically engineered (GE) foods are foods that have had their DNA changed using genes from other plants or animals. Scientists take the gene for a desired trait in one plant or animal, and they insert that gene into a cell of another plant or animal.Source:https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002432.htm#:~:text=Genetically engineered (GE) foods have,of another plant or animal.
View attachment 739
So basically GE foods are meant to make our lives better but I think in the actual sense although it is premise evidence or premiss of proof I think they have contributed a lot more to the health complications that we are currently having in many countries. more especially non-communicable diseases That is my opinion.
Do you know that broiler chickens are genetically engineered. I raise them. Do you understand that broiler chickens as it were doesn't have any side effects at all? Do you know that it is your local farmer who failed in his biosecurity that would use anti biotics on the same broiler chicken even on the day he is selling it even when the rule specifies a 10 day antibiotics withdrawal window before sales date? Residual antibiotics would go and cause antibiotics resistance in the body of the consumer and the blame would be on the poor genetically engineered broilers. We have to start holding people on the lines culpable and stop blaming the wider industry.
@Carson20t You are right in your explanation but in science, words must be used scientifically to make sense to a scientist.
Thanks for the guide and next time I will try to be as technical as I can.I wanted to make people understand what I was talking about.

Do you know that broiler chickens are genetically engineered. I raise them. Do you understand that broiler chickens as it were doesn't have any side effects at all? Do you know that it is your local farmer who failed in his biosecurity that would use anti biotics on the same broiler chicken even on the day he is selling it even when the rule specifies a 10 day antibiotics withdrawal window before sales date? Residual antibiotics would go and cause antibiotics resistance in the body of the consumer and the blame would be on the poor genetically engineered broilers. We have to start holding people on the lines culpable and stop blaming the wider industry.
Yes that is true, I will leave it here for now so that others can also share their thoughts and opinions on their views as to how they see Genetically modified foods.Whether they are good or they are bad.
BorisKirwaLatest member