Haptic or kinesic in closing a sale?

Sep 25, 2023
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As a business owner, by all means, you have to do everything to close sales every day. You do not like to see your business dead or without customers. As much as possible you do tricks, tricks that are not illegal but legal that only require techniques on how to deliver them in such a way people will be appealed and encouraged to buy. Of course, you have to mellow down your voice and soften it with actions that please the customer, thus an inescapable decision per se will happen and that is to buy and one way to close a sale with a kinesic application. By the way, kinesic means the language of the body, and haptic means the language of touch which is why, it is also not immoral to apply haptic to the customer to avoid refusal, and the said customer will be cornered once taps her shoulder associated with a sweet smile. The customer, mark my words can't resist, instead insists on buying as many as she can. These are good techniques for closing a sale proven by experts in a selling business.
Having daily sales is the dream of every business owner out there. Have not yet gotten to that level but I hope to get there pretty soon.
Try to apply these nonverbal communications. They're appealing to the people. You'll surely like hitting a jackpot.
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