Has being an entrepreneur affected you in any way personally?


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Sep 21, 2023
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Since i became an entrepreneur, i believe it has also affected my personal life. I finally began to understand certain things like how to manage, how to save and even how to discipline myself. Has being an entrepreneur changed you in any way personally?
Since the top tech and internet companies are extremely ruthless in cheating, exploiting, robbing small online business owners, I find that I am making very less money despite working long hours, while those who have exploited and robbed me are flourishing, lead lavish lifestyles.
Of course, being an entrepreneur will affect a person's habits, especially a wasteful attitude that must be changed to a frugal attitude, calculating every expense carefully, having to be patient in dealing with emotional customers, having to be friendly to all customers, etc.
No me but i have seen many entrepreneurs who have faced some health issue because of stress and worry about their new business and fear of losing the business leads to problems.
It's normal for new businesses to have worries or fears about losing money, but gradually the feeling of anxiety will disappear if the business is run seriously and disciplined, especially if the business has made a profit, enthusiasm will be greater.
It's normal for new businesses to have worries or fears about losing money, but gradually the feeling of anxiety will disappear if the business is run seriously and disciplined, especially if the business has made a profit, enthusiasm will be greater.
Yeah, if the business owner is good and can manage the stresses that they have then they can overcome it and start focusing on the business and grow their business, but if they stressing then they will fear and they business will never grow.
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