Has someone ran away with your money?


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A lot of individuals and even organizations have ran away with my money. I once invested in a a business, and it turned out to be a scam and I lost my money. I also invested money through individuals and lent money t the individuals and they ran away with my money. I could file a police case but I did not because I did not want to spend additional money fighting these cases. Has such things happened to you. Has anyone ran away with your money?
Yes several persons have ran with my money in the past, the last was my high school friend who asked for my help to lend her some money, after lending her the money she blocked me.
I experienced this someone was running away with my huge money, but that was not all about investment. My drug addict friend stole my ATM containing a huge amount of money $ 10,000, my savings. I supposed to withdraw it the next day for an investment but I was robbed at home . My bag was carried away with the ATM inside my bag.
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