Have you ever met people begging you for money even when they know you are broken or in any way unemployed?

Sep 29, 2023
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In the southern Europe, it's fairly common your wealthy acquaintances ask you to lend them money, even when they perfectly know you are far below them on the social ladder (for ex., they are owners of a real estate, while you must pay the rent of a shabby apartment. While in Latin America, is fairly common unknown people to approach you begging for money. No mind if you answer them you are unemployed and all your family members in a working age are unemployed also: they have the habit to insist until they get the money. Do such questionable habits exist in your countries too?
Yes! Even yesterday, a young lady asked me for money but i told her that i don't have. In far, there are many beggars now in our society. The economy is hard and very difficult for a lot of people. May God help the unemployed and the less privileged.
Yes several times I have come across a lot of people who ask me for money, even when they know I am trying to manage the little I have or when they know at that moment I have not made any sales.
Beggers on the street do not know if you are unemployed or have no money. They ask anyone who walk by for money.
Yes because they are always about getting money. They would ask anyone for help whether they are rich or not
Only beggars on the streets are seen here begging for money. There are no people here begging money from a relative, to someone they know rich, or to a friend for a delicadeza.
In Latin America, we can meet beggars everywhere: among relatives and acquaintances (OK: in such a case there are also honest people who are seriously in needs, so I don't blame these latter), on the streets, at the train station (to ask us the money for a ticket), in the supermarket (in this latter case, it uses to happen a very disagreeable circumstance, as it looks like a trickery, previously planned with cunning skills: first of all, the guy fills up his basket with goods, then he seeks out for people who appear to be easy to persuade, people incapable to say no, then he approaches these people and ask them to purchase for him the goods he put in the basket). It's to say some of these guys fill the basket, among the other goods, with an expensive item and that's why I become suspicious. No mind you tell you are unemployed or broken to such people: they use to insist to get the goods purchased. Usually, they are guys in their working age, asking to completely unknown people to purchase expensive goods for them.
Though I am making a huge loss online, I am always getting emails, and some phone calls asking me to purchase a very expensive web design or seo package .
Be careful: point those emails as scam. In the worst cases, such emails may include an infectious threaten...
Yes several times I have come across a lot of people who ask me for money, even when they know I am trying to manage the little I have or when they know at that moment I have not made any sales.
It looks like my country and yours share similar pitiful habits...
In Latin America, we can meet beggars everywhere: among relatives and acquaintances (OK: in such a case there are also honest people who are seriously in needs, so I don't blame these latter), on the streets, at the train station (to ask us the money for a ticket), in the supermarket (in this latter case, it uses to happen a very disagreeable circumstance, as it looks like a trickery, previously planned with cunning skills: first of all, the guy fills up his basket with goods, then he seeks out for people who appear to be easy to persuade, people incapable to say no, then he approaches these people and ask them to purchase for him the goods he put in the basket). It's to say some of these guys fill the basket, among the other goods, with an expensive item and that's why I become suspicious. No mind you tell you are unemployed or broken to such people: they use to insist to get the goods purchased. Usually, they are guys in their working age, asking to completely unknown people to purchase expensive goods for them.

Be careful: point those emails as scam. In the worst cases, such emails may include an infectious threaten...

It looks like my country and yours share similar pitiful habits...
There are beggars here and they are only seen put side the church during masses. There are no beggars in other important places like airports, banks, malls, stores. They will be brought to jail.
@pousinha the funny thing about some of these people is that they assume you have a lot simply because you have never begged them, they don't know you are simply managing the little you have.
There are beggars here and they are only seen put side the church during masses. There are no beggars in other important places like airports, banks, malls, stores. They will be brought to jail.
So I imagine such a begging behaviour is considered a crime in your country. It was the same in the southern European countries until various decades ago, but the fact was decriminalised during a progressive government. In my country, begging everywhere and insist to get the money isn't a crime and until I know, it never was. It's part of the culture of the country.

@eLdavis, in my former country there is a dear old phrase saying if you never complain, nobody understands and unfortunately in such a beggar's case it means if you never complain, beggars believe you are rich (and cheapskate if you say no...)
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So I imagine such a begging behaviour is considered a crime in your country. It was the same in the southern European countries until various decades ago, but the fact was decriminalised during a progressive government. In my country, begging everywhere and insist to get the money isn't a crime and until I know, it never was. It's part of the culture of the country.

@eLdavis, in my former country there is a dear old phrase saying if you never complain, nobody understands and unfortunately in such a beggar's case it means if you never complain, beggars believe you are rich (and cheapskate if you say no...)
Begging is not a crime but beggars here only seen during Sunday masses. Young beggars are brought to the social services department. I seldom see beggars in the city where I live.
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