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Highest Crypto Tax in the World

Oct 1, 2023
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D Bucks
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Basically, crypto fans do not reject the government imposing taxes on crypto, but based on my experience and a comparative study of the highest crypto taxes in the world, I conclude that the highest crypto tax in the world is Indonesia. In Indonesia, every purchase transaction, crypto to crypto swap will be subject to VAT of 0.11% of the transaction value, but if the crypto transaction is carried out on an exchange that is not registered with Bappebti (government) then the VAT rate will be 0.22%. Meanwhile, crypto sellers will be subject to Income Tax of 0.1% of the sale value. However, if crypto sales are made on an exchange that is not registered with the Indonesian government, the income tax will be 0.2% of the sale value.
Crypto Mining, miners and crypto miner pools will be subject to VAT of 1.1% of the crypto conversion value once confirmed, and will also be subject to Income Tax of 0.1% of cryptocurrency miner income.
So in Indonesia there is no consideration of losses for crypto investors/miners so they still have to pay taxes, whereas in other countries crypto taxes are generally levied on capital gains and trading profits.
As a comparison of Crypto Tax in Indonesia with other countries
Belgium, taxes 33% on capital gains and 50% on trading profits. So if you lose, you won't be taxed. In your opinion, which country has the highest crypto taxes?
I've never really done much research on this because my country doesn't tax crypto. In fact, they prohibited financial institutions from facilitating cryptocurrency transactions so we had to use peer to peer to buy and sell.
How is the government tracking these crypto transactions to ensure that crypto users are paying the tax specified, especially for P2P transactions. Is Binance registered in your country? In India the tax is 30%.
How is the government tracking these crypto transactions to ensure that crypto users are paying the tax specified, especially for P2P transactions. Is Binance registered in your country? In India the tax is 30%.
Until now, Binance has not been registered with the Indonesian government, but the Binance exchange has acquired the Tokocrypto exchange from Indonesia, so we can also log in with a Binance account. It is the government's business to track crypto transactions and P2P users. Even though in India the tax rate is 30%, it is calculated from capital gains. So if an investor loses it is not taxable.
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