How can one deal with domestic violence?

You cannot just keep silent about it and wait for the healing. There's a law to punish the offender. Domestic violence is punishable by law. It could be treated as a frustrated murder.
Yesh one nedd to leave such toxic environment. it is not good for one mental health.
The firs thing to do in order to avoid any domestic violence is marring the person that is perfect for you and starting a relationship with the person who will respect you and a person who don't want to see you mad and sad, so that they will never make you in the position to start a fight.
If you're a smaller company that has been defamed by a larger company, there are a few things you can do to deal with the situation. First, try to resolve the issue directly with the larger company. If that doesn't work, consider consulting with an attorney to see if you have any legal options. You may also want to reach out to the media to get your side of the story out there. Finally, focus on building up your own reputation by providing high-quality products or services and cultivating positive relationships with customers and other businesses. ?
The firs thing to do in order to avoid any domestic violence is marring the person that is perfect for you and starting a relationship with the person who will respect you and a person who don't want to see you mad and sad, so that they will never make you in the position to start a fight.
Yes this is why courtship is really important try to get it right from there before getting married
Dealing with domestic violence can be incredibly difficult and traumatic. It's important to remember that you are not alone and that there are people who can help you. If you are in immediate danger, call the police. If you are not in immediate danger, there are a number of resources available to help you. You can contact a domestic violence hotline, a shelter, or a therapist who specializes in domestic violence. Additionally, you can reach out to friends and family for support. It's important to remember that leaving a domestic violence situation can be dangerous, so it's best to create a safety plan before leaving.
Yes this is why courtship is really important try to get it right from there before getting married
Yeah before getting married and before starting a life together before having a children its better to get to know each other and its better to have some time to learn about each other so that nothing bad will happen.
Yeah before getting married and before starting a life together before having a children its better to get to know each other and its better to have some time to learn about each other so that nothing bad will happen.
That's right , know the person you are getting married and be sure he or she is no violent person.
That's right , know the person you are getting married and be sure he or she is no violent person.
Yeah knowing the person you are living with, and knowing the person you are welling to spend the rest of your life should be better well known.
Yeah knowing the person you are living with, and knowing the person you are welling to spend the rest of your life should be better well known.
Sure, so that you discover the ref flags on time and know whether to stay or go. In all it is good to flee from abuse
Sure, so that you discover the ref flags on time and know whether to stay or go. In all it is good to flee from abuse
Yeah i have seen some peoples they get married without known each other and they end up fighting and having some bad time. and they complain like there is no good person to love,
if one is going through domestic violence in their relationship or marriage what is the most step to take that would bring fast healing?
In India earlier and still in some families parents preach tolerance towards domestic violence. However nowadays women don't often tolerate. Indian in-laws and husband's invariably over burden the woman with household work and batter her. They also behave rudely with the daughter-in-law. I have passed this phase and I retaliated back.I avoided them and had to return back their bad behaviour by indifference.
Yesh one nedd to leave such toxic environment. it is not good for one mental health.
That is right and no one can ever survive to stay in a workplace like that. It will cause mental agonies.
That is right and no one can ever survive to stay in a workplace like that. It will cause mental agonies.
Exactly any violence filled environment should be avoided. one just need to run from such mental torture
Domestic violence can cause you alot it's results to injury and pain but if you are decipline and have personal self control you won't be a victim of one also have tolerance and leadership quality
Domestic violence cannot always be physical attack, even using abusive language and battering comes under Domestic violence. Depriving proper food to the wife is also Domestic violence.
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