How can one get married as a young person and still grow financially?

Oct 3, 2023
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In my country, so many young people are not willing to marry all because they believe that marriage comes with a lot of financial responsibilities that would not allow a person to grow financially.

I want to ask, is it possible for someone to marry and still grow financially? Does marriage really stop financial growth?
Many of my friends after graduating from university and working immediately get married, meaning their economy is not yet stable, even though they only rent a small house or cheap apartment, but they seem happy, the longer they work, the career path also increases and they can have their own house. So there's no need to be afraid, if you already have a boyfriend and income, you can get married soon.
In my country, so many young people are not willing to marry all because they believe that marriage comes with a lot of financial responsibilities that would not allow a person to grow financially.

I want to ask, is it possible for someone to marry and still grow financially? Does marriage really stop financial growth?
No marriage don't stop financial growth but we all have to consider that marriage needs a stable financial support in order to have happy life, because even if the marriage is based on love financial unitability will make it end very fast, if you think about it after marriage we have to had a child and having a child is not easy .
I personally feel that married people are able to make more money doing less work, since government agencies and companies prefer to hire married people, while older single professionals, investors are ruthlessly cheated and exploited, resulting in great losses.
In my country, so many young people are not willing to marry all because they believe that marriage comes with a lot of financial responsibilities that would not allow a person to grow financially.

I want to ask, is it possible for someone to marry and still grow financially? Does marriage really stop financial growth?
It depends on the situation. Nowadays both partners have to earn to lead a comfortable life. However if any of the partners uses his/ her earnings for their own benefits it becomes difficult to lead a married life together.
In my country, so many young people are not willing to marry all because they believe that marriage comes with a lot of financial responsibilities that would not allow a person to grow financially.

I want to ask, is it possible for someone to marry and still grow financially? Does marriage really stop financial growth?
Women have high level of expectation either financial ones or even the luxury of weeding and the most of men doesn't have money to afford expenses, this is to resume all of this.
If you two plan your finances together and make reasonable decisions, it would be very easy to grow financially as a couple. You decide the best time to have kids, to get a bigger house. It is all just about sound decision making.
Marrying young does not hinder young couples to think of their financial needs and make a living. It is best to marry young to see your kids grow while you are still young. Chances are there for the young couple to do business e can't judge the young married people. They are full of aspirations and dreams.
One young scammer, who is a bank manager is targeting older single woman professionals, investors for financial fraud. His wife will change her name to that of the single older woman to grab the savings and assets.
Be very careful when you decide to marry as a young person. I for one would prefer to marry younger but I need to make money first. Unless two of you can get married and avoid having kids that I advocate for marrying young when you are financially unstable.
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