How Do You Deal With Inflation?

Oct 1, 2023
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Inflation will occur if the prices of goods simultaneously occur continuously over a certain period of time. The main factor causing inflation is too much money in circulation so that the value of currency units will fall and the prices of goods will rise. Inflation will always have a negative impact on both personal and corporate finances, our purchasing power will decrease so that the number of goods we should buy to meet our basic needs becomes larger and we will even be forced to use savings or emergency funds to meet our living needs. The company will increase costs or expenses while sales turnover will decrease and of course this will have an impact on profits.
People worldwide suffer inflation and without a doubt, they do their best to sustain. In my case, I have to continue what I used to be saving and live beyond my means and to invest more so that I won't suffer the bad effects of inflation.
I do not do a lot of things to help me out but I think that it hit a lot of peaple plus it is still here and prices are increasing I think that after new year we will see price increase
Maybe, you have enough money so that it is not affected by the bad effects of inflation, but for most people inflation will force them to reduce spending or reduce meeting their needs. At the beginning of the year, prices usually rise because the government also issues a new budget that must be implemented.
Inflation has caused many people to move to smaller houses because the cost of their former apartments just skyrocketed and they couldn't keep up with the rental payments.
Inflation isn't a myth it's a real happening on earth affecting the entire humanity. In my case, I need to have lots of discipline to avoid feeling life harder to the core. It's hard to be cornered with financial difficulties.
I have always lived a very disciplined life when it comes to finance and budget. And this I started from a very young age. I have earned , saved, invested to grow etc.And always tried to generate some extra income. Though inflation does pinch from times to times, I never suffered a big blow because of that. I think that it's a global phenomenon and something we all have to be prepared for.
I think one of the best ways to deal with inflation is to try to cut your expenses and try to increase the money you make monthly, there are many ways to cut expenses and try to make some more money, it's a matter of making a good plan and getting to work.
I had to cut down any luxuries I used to indulge in and now we stick to only buying essential needs.
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