How do you deal with the delayed delivery of your order?

Sep 25, 2023
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You are a businessman, you own a big store with thousand retail sellers customers coming everyday to purchase goods for their stores. You are a busy owner. It's the vision and mission of your business to build a strong business to serve the people in the community and to make each of them grow in their business.

You are their main source of goods and you too have your top-notch products suppliers and then in one instance your goods suppliers made a one day delayed delivery. How are you going to explain to your customers the situation? You are angry at the suppliers and the customers are also angry at you.

If you are this businessman , what will you do to bring back your customers trust?
Delays in order delivery not only have psychological and business reputational impacts but also financial losses, for that we cannot be angry depending on the supplier's reasons, if an accident occurs during the delivery of goods then it is beyond our ability. For that as a businessman must be able to determine the right order time, determine the reorder point limit and safe stock.
This is one of the reasons why If I know the product would take five days to get here, I would tell my customers seven or more. This is to ensure there is some extra time incase there is any issue. But in matters like this, where something unexpected happnes. The best I can do is apologize to them and hope they return.
Your reasons or defenses are good. The customers will surely understand and will wait patiently. It's better indeed, to tell the customers the extended dates of the delivery. On the case of the business owner he just listen to the reasons of the product suppliers the cause or causes of the delayed delivery.
I would continue to wait. There's no way out than waiting it out still it arrives
Yes that's the best we can do in such a situation. You can't go and bring it yourself, so the best thing to do is to wait it out.
There are many reasons why order arrived late. The owner must know the reasons before showing a harsh action. It's not good to be rude. We do know how the person struggles because of the unintentional delayed delivery.
I place orders from trustworthy platforms. I don't have any fear when order is delayed. I just reach out to customer service b
It will be annoying if the order will be delivered late. It gives a bad impression to the costumers who are waiting for so long , but the reason for the delayed delivery might be so reasonable they must be heard before judging them..
If there is a cellular phone number of the driver of the van delivering the order, the business owner can call on the spot after sensing of none appearance of the van after some hours. This can eliminate issues that may lead to arguments.
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