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How do you handle romantic attraction to your staff as a business owner?

King Belieal

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Business is a serious thing that doesn't have to be mixed with other things. But there is so much we can do when it comes to love and matters of the heart.

One of my friends has a bet shop with lots of staff. He just confessed to me that he is in love with one if his staff. I know it is genuine because he is not a promiscuous person.

As a boss, how does he handle this without affecting the staff and the business? Is It bad for an unmarried boss to fall in love with his staff?
I don't think there is anything wrong with this, he is human after all. They are both mature, he just has to ensure that his feelings does not affect the work. The working place a place to work and be productive. Outside their working time, they can do whatever pleases them.
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