How do you manage holiday expenses


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Holidays are coming and a lot of people will be spending a lot of money on various things. Holidays are the most expensive time of the year. Some people even save money all through the year so that they can have a good celebrations during the holiday. By the way, how do you manage holiday expenses, do you spend with your open hands or are tight fist. Do you try to spend less or you don't mind spending more?
I always set aside budget for Christmas holidays for gifts giving. There is a lot of exchanging gifts this holy season and parties to attend. This day is our early Christmas party at the office at the VIP Hotel. It's true that Christmas time is expensive time but we cannot measure our happiness and never think of the expenses.
One way I manage holiday expenses is to not do anything special. I don't have any grand plans, I don't have specific places in mind to go to as well. I just enjoy the holidays like every other day.
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