How much is the highest amount that you can rationally spend on a pair of shoes?

King Belieal

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Everything in life has levels and when it comes to wears, we have high class to the lowered class. For some people, they always buy things that are above their financial level.

Let's take for instance, a pair of shoes. I can't buy a pair of shoes that is above $70 right now. That's above my financial level and I would be overspending.

How much is the highest amount you can buy a pair of shoes and you are not overspending?
For me I have never really been into shoes, as long as I can afford it and it is good, I do not mind the price. For now though, I don't think I would want to spend more than $10 or maybe $15 for a shoe.
With my current financial condition, I don't deserve to wear a Gucci shoe of $2000 yet. I would rather wait, build my finances and wear it in future.
Like 60 euros, good shoes are important for me because I work out and I want to feel comfortable.
If I spend this much on a shoe, then I would have to wear it for a very long time, like three years.
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