How much money do you need in your country to be rich?


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Oct 2, 2023
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Every country is different and so is its economy, so being rich is different in every country, but speaking in terms of dollars, how many dollars would you need to be rich in your country? In my country, at least $500,000 is what you need to be moderately rich.
In my country, if someone has up to $1000, they are already a very rich person. You don't need to have more than that.
Wait, you mean making $1000 a month or having $1000 saved?
Wait, you mean making $1000 a month or having $1000 saved?
That poster maybe just exaggerated but it is not far from the truth. If you have like $3000 which is equal to 3 million naira, and you have a brain, you should never get broke again.
That poster maybe just exaggerated but it is not far from the truth. If you have like $3000 which is equal to 3 million naira, and you have a brain, you should never get broke again.
Amazing how things change from one country to another, thanks for clarifying it for me, maybe one day I should go to Nigeria to check what life is like there.
Over here in my country, you don't just need money to be rich but you need to have a steady flow of money to be rich or financially stable.
I understand your feelings I know how you suffer there at the hands of your corrupt government. Those in politics have nothing in mind but to corrupt people's money to get them richer.
Over here in my country, you don't just need money to be rich but you need to have a steady flow of money to be rich or financially stable.
Everywhere in the world, it is the same thing that applies. You can't just have a fixed amount and keep surviving with that and you stay wealthy.
Everywhere in the world, it is the same thing that applies. You can't just have a fixed amount and keep surviving with that and you stay wealthy.
Exactly, the cost of living keeps increasing on a daily basis and not to mention unknown expenses that might pop up on a daily basis. There was a time when having one million naira was more than enough to carry you for weeks and if not months. Right now, a million naira can even finish within a day.
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