How much money do you need in your country to retire?


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In my country, I think you need about half a million dollars to retire, this of course depends on the age at which you want to retire, but I think that if you retire at 60 years old and have that amount of assets you will be able to live decently.
I am not so sure as how much a retiree needs. But those who will retire from the government offices are assured of million pesos for a cash advance. For the private you small. They double their premiums to have million retirement money.
In my country, those who never worked, never have a pension. They also did not bother themselves to save while they were still young and had the energy to produce money and save. The government only subsidized them with a peanut amount, only $ 50 a month.
In our country, it takes millions to get by, especially with the recent hikes in the prices of essential goods. I hope I can save enough before hitting 60, or I might find myself on the streets. LOL
That is right, Filipinos need millions during retirement for a lifetime financial sustenance but only a very few can acquire millions during retirement only the government employees. I am happy that I am working in a government owned university.
Very different in each country, I believe that reaching retirement with enough money is not easy, but it depends solely on us to achieve that objective.
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