How often should an organisation of less than 10 staff hold meetings?

Meetings for me is to sort out issues concerning the business. For me it should as immediately we they are things to be sorted out.
If there are no issues to be sorted out, calling a staff meeting is a deliberate attempt to waste the time of people.
I don't think there need to do a meeting except for 10 mins once a day in the morning and 10 mins in the evening.
This could be a good method. Quick daily strategy meeting could serve better to keep staff abreast and active than all those delayed meetings.
We have lots of problems here. Our bosses waste lots of time in the meetings. They say that meeting will be of 10 mins but it takes an hour sometimes.😥
That's because they pay you and they think that is enough reason to control your time. Don't you have labour laws your country?
bhagvatprasadamLatest member