How secure are government financial records in your country?


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Oct 20, 2023
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The government keeps records of the financial data of citizens especially their tax id. This data should be kept secure and no unauthorized person should be allowed to make changes in the data without the permission of the citizen. Yet in some countries, citizens are finding that their tax related data is getting changed without their knowledge or permission, causing great inconvenience to them. How secure are government financial records in your country, do citizens find their tax related information is changed without their permission and without informing them?
There has been no change in my government tax id since I got it several decades ago. Yet when I wanted to submit some documents related to my investment in July, I found that the government database is incorrect and they are also refusing to correct the data in the database.
Instead the government agencies are falsely claiming that the incorrect data in the database is correct, and they also refuse to provide information on how the database information became incorrect.
Changing tax records is not as easy as changing your daily records, because as a business venture, financial statements have been audited by public accountants, so they have historical data, so how can other people or unauthorized people change tax report records, because they must be accompanied by evidence of an audited income statement.
In this case, the personal information in the tax id has been changed without the permission of the tax id holder. The government database NDML is also refusing to provide information to the tax id holder of when and how the personal information was changed, on what basis NDML changed it from the original information.
The government keeps records of the financial data of citizens especially their tax id. This data should be kept secure and no unauthorized person should be allowed to make changes in the data without the permission of the citizen. Yet in some countries, citizens are finding that their tax related data is getting changed without their knowledge or permission, causing great inconvenience to them. How secure are government financial records in your country, do citizens find their tax related information is changed without their permission and without informing them?
This has still not happened in India.
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