How to easily attract angel investors to our business

It is not easy to attract investors to a business without having concrete ideas and proven track record of the success. Therefore, if you don't have a vibrant business with few years of success, it will be difficult to attract new investors.
Yesh but at the same time yoh need to put the right foot forward. Do even the barest minimum ajd see how it goes.
Angel investors are those that are ready to partner financially with business owners for a little commission. How can one easily attract these angel investors?
Angel investors don't want little commission. Most times, they always want equity or something very close to that. You have to be ready to share a substantial percentage of profit with them for them to agree to come in.
For me getting the Angel investors is indeed a very difficult thing to achieve of late especially when you don't have connections to the relevant field. However a very appealing and clear business plan can attract anel investors.
Yes it might seems difficult but you can start from somewhere just try to get even one person then move from there
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