How to Overcome Dead Stock in Business?

Oct 1, 2023
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Dead stock is a product/goods that has been stored in a warehouse for a long time and it may be difficult to sell it. The main cause of dead stock is excessive production of goods or orders for goods but buyers' interest has decreased because the season for the product has passed. It's even more troublesome if we store goods that have an expiry date, so they have to be taken out and sold quickly so they run out quickly. Dead stock is one of the problems of business people which can destroy their business, so it is necessary for business people to avoid dead stock by making the right minimum inventory. So as a businessman, how do you deal with product dead stock.
The goods might have even gotten spoilt
Well, the best way to deal with such goods is by selling them at cheaper rate
It happened here dead stocks of thousand sacks of rice and sugar and the President of my country got mad at businessmen doing this act, so they were sanctioned and those stocks of rice were distributed to people for free.
I am selling the domains I do not want at a very low price or letting them expire. A similar approach for dead stock is also recommended especially if the business is not getting orders.
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