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How to Overcome the Impulse to Always Crave the Latest Technology?


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Some people, particularly those with the means, can't resist the temptation to get the latest technology. Others, however, continue to do so, even though they lack sufficient funds. Determine whether you need or want a new gadget. If necessary, create and stick to a budget to avoid making impulse purchases. Allow yourself time to think about it before making a final purchase decision, and you can unsubscribe from email lists of the tech stores you are a part of and participate in pleasurable activities that do not require the use of technology. To prevent the impulse to purchase the latest device, you must be aware of whether you want to buy something right now or not is essential.
I have never faced that issue. I don't have such addiction to new technology nor the impulse to buy it. Technology is evolving so much fast and a new one is launched almost every day. One can't keep up with it with a limited fund. Yes, the ones with surplus money can go ahead and keep updating.
I am not much dependant on evolving technologies. For me, a decent laptop ( almost ten years old) and a decent low budget smartphone is enough. My smartphone is 20 months old now. The last one that I had was with me for nine years. I changed it because it started giving troubles with battery recharging. So, I go for a new technology or gadget on need basis. And I would always keep my budget in mind when purchasing one.
I think that impulse to always crave the latest tech devices is peculiar to the elites and rightly so. Anyone who earns averagely and tries to have that craving is in financial doom. As an average person, when you have that cravings, just remember your financial status.
I have never faced that issue. I don't have such addiction to new technology nor the impulse to buy it. Technology is evolving so much fast and a new one is launched almost every day. One can't keep up with it with a limited fund. Yes, the ones with surplus money can go ahead and keep updating.
I am not much dependant on evolving technologies. For me, a decent laptop ( almost ten years old) and a decent low budget smartphone is enough. My smartphone is 20 months old now. The last one that I had was with me for nine years. I changed it because it started giving troubles with battery recharging. So, I go for a new technology or gadget on need basis. And I would always keep my budget in mind when purchasing one.

That is great to know. I used to be addicted to technology, but I have become more practical and disciplined since the pandemic started. My current smartphone is nearly 3 years old, and I do not have plans to upgrade it anytime soon.
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I think the best way to go about this would be to not feed your eyes with the latest news and updates on latest technologies.
That can be of help. Avoid reading tech-related news online and offline so you won't be tempted to buy today's latest technologies. LOL.
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I think that impulse to always crave the latest tech devices is peculiar to the elites and rightly so. Anyone who earns averagely and tries to have that craving is in financial doom. As an average person, when you have that cravings, just remember your financial status.
In recent years, I have met a large number of people who work for minimal wages but own the most recent smartphones and laptops. It appears that many of these people borrow money from relatives or friends or take out a loan to keep up with the latest technological advances.
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I don't have those problems; since I don't have the financial ability to buy fancy and latest technologies, I don't have to worry about controlling myself; my pocket will do that for me. lol

It is good that you can control yourself because others who do not have the financial ability to afford lavish things will do everything to look rich on social media. They will borrow money from their loved ones to show off.
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Some people, particularly those with the means, can't resist the temptation to get the latest technology. Others, however, continue to do so, even though they lack sufficient funds. Determine whether you need or want a new gadget. If necessary, create and stick to a budget to avoid making impulse purchases. Allow yourself time to think about it before making a final purchase decision, and you can unsubscribe from email lists of the tech stores you are a part of and participate in pleasurable activities that do not require the use of technology. To prevent the impulse to purchase the latest device, you must be aware of whether you want to buy something right now or not is essential.
If you have the means, there is no problem in acquiring new tech products. Where there is problem is when you don't have the resources. Everybody have weaknesses and craving for tech products may be one of them.
My online business income is extremely low in the last decade , I cannot afford the expensive gadgets, so now I do not crave for them. I am happy using the cheapest items available.
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