How to Save Daily Effectively?

Oct 1, 2023
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Saving money does not always have to be in large amounts and done every month, especially for small traders such as street vendors etc. who can only make daily profits. Especially the purpose of saving is to improve discipline and a frugal lifestyle, so that they are expected to be able to manage money better, many people save from a nominal $ 1 or even less which is stored in a safe or piggy bank which is done every day. Periodically maybe every 2-3 weeks they can transfer to their bank account. What do you think?
It all boils down to self control, that the only way we can actually save. Any money i get, I usually take something no matter how small then keep aside.
Other than domain webhosting I do not have major expenses, yet due to fraud, the internet sector, government agencies refuse to acknowledge the fact tha I alone pay expenses.
Financial discipline is essential when it comes to saving money. Without it, saving can be quite challenging. Before, I struggled with financial discipline; even when I had extra money, I didn’t save it. I will spend all the money I have. However, once I realized the importance of saving and investing - realizing that I would be on my own in times of need - I was able to gradually develop self-discipline. Now, I can save my money.
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