Human Resources and their functions in business

Sep 25, 2023
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The HR department in industries, colleges, universities, or multinational companies plays a vital role in recruitment. Human Resources(HR) management is one of the most important business departments for any company with a large number of employees. HR specialists are responsible for attracting talent, screening potential candidates, managing employee relations, and maintaining optimum working conditions. This department also needs to ensure compliance with labor laws, solve employee conflicts, and address employees' inquiries. It is the same department that develops training for new employees to help them get acquainted with the work’s culture and values.

Woo, your article is complete, bro, so I only need to add a little information, such as the HRD function of maintaining employee relations with the company, recruiting and retaining high performing employees, managing/calculating employee compensation and benefits, making rules regarding occupational safety and health, etc.
Woo, your article is complete, bro, so I only need to add a little information, such as the HRD function of maintaining employee relations with the company, recruiting and retaining high performing employees, managing/calculating employee compensation and benefits, making rules regarding occupational safety and health, etc.
Sad to say, I am female and you call me bro:LOL::p. Well, those are the duties and responsibilities of the Human Resource department, but they sometimes do not have a humane feeling in recruiting and qualifying applicants.
Sad to say, I am female and you call me bro:LOL::p. Well, those are the duties and responsibilities of the Human Resource department, but they sometimes do not have a humane feeling in recruiting and qualifying applicants.
Sorry, that's my habit of referring to other users in forums because most of them are men, yes of course because HRD tends to use nepotism in recruiting new employees, so it's not based on professionalism.
Sorry, that's my habit of referring to other users in forums because most of them are men, yes of course because HRD tends to use nepotism in recruiting new employees, so it's not based on professionalism.
Agree, there are personnel in that department who hire relatives and are close to their family despite having no good track records to prove. It is so unfair and people mock them as soon as find out who they hire.
The human resources department is one of the very vital aspects of business. If you want to have exceptional talents working for you in your business, you need to have a sound human resources department.
There are members in HR who are not selecting the applicants well. they prefer whom you know and not the qualifications especially those who are Nepotists.
Those are not professional human resources people. And they don't know what they are playing with. Nepotism as a human resources manager would damage your career because the staff you recommend for employment might end up being so incompetent and the blame would fall on HRM.
Those are not professional human resources people. And they don't know what they are playing with. Nepotism as a human resources manager would damage your career because the staff you recommend for employment might end up being so incompetent and the blame would fall on HRM.
That's right it happened here in my place workers were relatives, even parent and sibling and the result was downfall and it's late to learn by the company owner HR recruited unskilled employees and they were fired on the spot.
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