Illiterate VS literate in business


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Sep 28, 2023
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When it comes to illiterate VS literate in business, I think being literate can help but it's not always necessary for success. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs started off with very little formal education or could barely read and write. What really matters most is being talented in your field, having strong customer relations skills, and finding clever solutions to problems. Literacy can help access knowledge but I've seen illiterate folks run complex operations through creativity and effort. Don't need a big fancy degree to come up with a good product or service that people want. Hard work and heart will take you further than any paper qualifications alone.
An illiterate person or a person with little or no formal education has very small chance of being successful as this person lacks knowledge and skills. However, if you have education, you have high chances of being successful.
SamarkhanLatest member