Importance of Resignation Letter

Oct 2, 2023
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Do you agree that submitting your resignation letter is as good as announcing you have a new job?

It sounds like it. We only submit resignation letter if we have a new job in a different company. Rarely we see people resigning because they want to just stay at home doing nothing. Whatever your reason would be, it is but right to let your boss that you are leaving your current job.

1. Resignation letter is important to announce your intent to leave the business
2. Your resignation letter will serve as a notice for the company to look for a replacement
3. It is but good to announce it in writing, firstly, because it is formal and it is the right thing to do
4. If you want to be rehired, you need to exit gracefully but sending the resignation letter with a 30-day notice
5. You don't want your company to keep looking for you. The employee who is not showing up to work consecutively will be sent a Return to Work order
6. You save your HR time to send you the Return to Work demand

So, if you have plans leaving the current job, make sure to announce it and leave properly.

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Now, @itsmejob, let me tell you how we do it in my country. A business organisation hires you and you are trying your best for them and they are not trying for you in terms of pay and welfare. You just wait for a time they might need your services most and it would be hard to find a replacement, you ghost them and they're stranded. But make sure you time it well to get your last pay.
A resignation letter serves in many purposes. It's done showing your legal exit in the company where you work. It also protects your reputation. You might resign because of a better work opportunity, health issues or migrating to other country.
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Now, @itsmejob, let me tell you how we do it in my country. A business organisation hires you and you are trying your best for them and they are not trying for you in terms of pay and welfare. You just wait for a time they might need your services most and it would be hard to find a replacement, you ghost them and they're stranded. But make sure you time it well to get your last pay.
I understand this very well but I don't think it is ethical. Just be the good person and tender a resignation before you leave an organisation. Give them ample time to prepare.
I understand this very well but I don't think it is ethical. Just be the good person and tender a resignation before you leave an organisation. Give them ample time to prepare.
I agree. But I understand because of differences in culture and background. I don't know how the employment in their country. However, have at least the courtesy to tell your employer rather than ghosting them.
This is the normal procedure to go through when dropping a job. This shows you are serious about what you say and gives the company time to make plans on how to get another person who can replace you.
I agree. But I understand because of differences in culture and background. I don't know how the employment in their country. However, have at least the courtesy to tell your employer rather than ghosting them.
That's how it is supposed to be. Of what use is it applying courtesy with an organisation that probably never treated you well. I still stand by my submission. If an organisation doesn't treat me well, I ghost them.
I understand. You can actually do that, no one will ask you to change your decision to ghost them. I am only saying what we normally follow in my country. Here, without proper resignation, one is banned to be rehired. But I know most does not want to go back to the same company for bad experience reason.
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