Inside the Gaza Tunnels: Children digging for Hamas?

Sep 25, 2023
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According to the report, most of Hamas' weapons are smuggled into Gaza through tunnels from Egypt. These tunnels are at the heart of the conflict with Israel. Children usually dig these tunnels, aware they are in constant danger. Every night, 14-year-old Said scrambles down a narrow shaft leading to a tunnel. He'll spend the next eight hours digging without a break.

The report said that It's claustrophobic, and difficult work. The heat in the tunnel is unbearable and the more they advance, the harder it becomes to breathe. At any moment, the tunnel could come crashing down, burying them alive. That's not the only danger. "Sometimes the Egyptians shoot gas into the tunnel that might kill us", states Ramdan. "

There are risks of electric shocks and the Israelis might bomb the entrance". Since Hamas seized control of Gaza, the borders have been closed. The tunnels are the only way to import goods into the territory. "They're a gold mine!" states Said. But to his disgust, most of the profits go to other people. "We do all the work, then they swindle us", he complains.

The report also stated that once the tunnel is nearly ready, "other people will open it, do the trafficking, and make more money than us". The money he does make will enable Said to support his entire family. But every time he goes into the tunnel, he knows: "You are digging your own grave".

Why isn't the UN Council condemning what Hamas is doing to these children and the UN Council deny all this tunnel happening here in Gaza? This is a bullshit thing letting the innocent children dig a tunnel for the Hamas to do illegal, activities apart from killing people? I pity the children. This is sickening. The Hamas don't deserve to live,

Watch the coverage of the report via the YouTube link.

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