Invest what you can afford to loose


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Oct 2, 2023
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How do you understand the above mentioned phrase? I remember that phrase is oftenly used the gamblers to control the risk levels while betting on the online sport events or the lottery. That's because the winning depends on the ones lucky.
Unfortunately in the cryptocurrency world the same phrase is being used to control the risk levels too.
So my question is that, do you see the trading/ investing in the cryptocurrency as gambling venture?
Business is risk. Investment is equally a risk, so is also gambling. But smart business owners and entrepreneurs do a lot of research before investing. Secondly, they don't put all their investment in one basket. They do diversified their investment.
How do you understand the above mentioned phrase? I remember that phrase is oftenly used the gamblers to control the risk levels while betting on the online sport events or the lottery. That's because the winning depends on the ones lucky.
Unfortunately in the cryptocurrency world the same phrase is being used to control the risk levels too.
So my question is that, do you see the trading/ investing in the cryptocurrency as gambling venture?
Its' a basic rule: never invest more than you are willing to lose.
Its' just like gambling - never gamble more than what you are willing to lose if your gamble goes wrong.
Its' a basic rule: never invest more than you are willing to lose.
Its' just like gambling - never gamble more than what you are willing to lose if your gamble goes wrong.
Would you identify crypto investments as a gambling in the real essence of the gambling world? People should only invest what they can lose in crypto.
Niyi BrLatest member