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Invest while there's still time and energy

Sep 25, 2023
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It's suggested by some big - time investors to invest while there's still time and energy. You don't care about investing this time especially if you're working with a salary almost below poverty line and young.

How could you achieve your dream house and cars if you continue your persistence to work though salary small. Well, you may not leave your work, but think of an investment that guarantees change.

The change that is meant here is your financial life. Dream, dare, do to make what you want in life to happen that is to become rich per se.
Like they say, the best time to invest is now. One of the mistakes I made in the past was waiting for some big cash to come before making any investment. Instead of waiting, simply make do with what you have.
Like they say, the best time to invest is now. One of the mistakes I made in the past was waiting for some big cash to come before making any investment. Instead of waiting, simply make do with what you have.
That's a waste then, but you are still young and have many years to make your dream come true. just make what think right happens. It is not hard just take it step by step.
While you are still young you need to plan well your future. Plan on what to do for a living and the best way is to invest. Dream, Dare, Do,
You have added another action word Lol. Yes we need to dare and do. Always do the 3Ds. Dream dare and do
You have added another action word Lol. Yes we need to dare and do. Always do the 3Ds. Dream dare and do
It is good to dream and make it real, but sometimes it is hard to do, but we have to continue dreaming and someday it will come true through our hard work.
It is good to dream and make it real, but sometimes it is hard to do, but we have to continue dreaming and someday it will come true through our hard work.
Definitely, the word there is to keep doing. You would gets there sooner than you think
Definitely, the word there is to keep doing. You would gets there sooner than you think
Persistence and consistency are needed to make everything come to reality especially if you are young, energetic, and full of dreams.
Sure, dreaming is the starting point but you have to move ahead to accomplish it by doing your best
Let's make our dreams happen to reality. It is always assumed that once we have that dream, we never stop making a move to make jt come true.
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Anything you are doing financially, and you don't do it when you are young, you are jeopardising your financial future. Invest early, start saving for retirement early and you would have enhanced your financial life.
To invest at a young age is beneficial, however if the investor is extravagant or a gambler, his struggle will turn to futility unless he'll change his attitude he could still reach his financial goals.
In most third world countries, a lot of people are still struggling to eat and find good jobs. The economy of most countries are in shambles and the common man is experiencing inflation and untold hardship. In this kind of scenario, it is difficult to invest. Investment is for those that have good job that brings consistent income.
We can invest without capital and that is our potential, however, if the person despite having potential does not have internet, he cannot do business online to share hs potential in dancing, painting, or selling.
We don't need a lot of money to invest; we can start with what we have. It's possible to invest as little as $10, and that's exactly what I did a couple of months ago. I was surprised by how simple it was, and it motivated me to invest more. In fact, I don't regret my decision at all.
One advantage that some people have over others is that they had started investing on time and that has helped them to reap the yields now. Someone that starts investing now has already lost time and is playing catch up compared to someone who has invested earlier.
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