Is Bitcoin Mixer Illegal, What Do You Think?

Oct 1, 2023
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Bitcoin Mixer or tumbler is a platform (wallet) where users can eliminate traces of Bitcoin transactions. Transactions will break several patterns in the blockchain, because Bitcoin will be mixed with Bitcoin belonging to other users before the destination address so that the Bitcoin address will be more difficult to trace.

In general, Bitcoin Mixer does not require personal data, be it email, telephone number, KYC, etc. so that the Bitcoin you own is very anonymous, so it is safe to maintain the confidentiality of the owner. But unfortunately Bitcoin mixer is often misused by corruptors, hackers etc. to launder their crypto, what do you think?
According to some US regulations yes, but from my point of view it is not, privacy should never be a crime as long as you use it legally, personal privacy should not be a crime.
Bitcoin Mixer or tumbler is a platform (wallet) where users can eliminate traces of Bitcoin transactions. Transactions will break several patterns in the blockchain, because Bitcoin will be mixed with Bitcoin belonging to other users before the destination address so that the Bitcoin address will be more difficult to trace.

In general, Bitcoin Mixer does not require personal data, be it email, telephone number, KYC, etc. so that the Bitcoin you own is very anonymous, so it is safe to maintain the confidentiality of the owner. But unfortunately Bitcoin mixer is often misused by corruptors, hackers etc. to launder their crypto, what do you think?
(1) Never heard of Bitcoin Mixer until now so I'll have to read up on it
(2) Not having a KYC (Know Your Customer) section raised red flags in my mind because of the risk of fraud, criminality, etc.
(1) Never heard of Bitcoin Mixer until now so I'll have to read up on it
(2) Not having a KYC (Know Your Customer) section raised red flags in my mind because of the risk of fraud, criminality, etc.
Information about Bitcoin mixers is available on many well-known sites, you will even know several Bitcoin mixers, some of which are centralized and decentralized. Unfortunately, to use the Bitcoin mixer you have to pay every time you make a transaction.
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