Is debt an inevitable aspect of life?


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Sep 28, 2023
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It is inevitable to deal with debt in life. It has an impact on your wellbeing, financial independence, employability, and credit score. The majority of us have some sort of debt to repay. But it might be difficult to envision a path out when debts keep piling up on top of one another. making debt inevitable for the majority of individuals and companies. Even though it can support our progress or enable us to make significant purchases, it's nonetheless critical to comprehend how it operates. You bear the responsibility for both principle and interest payments.
I always believe you can stay debt free if you plan your life and have a little bit of luck. Most people just fall into debts because of high magnitude emergencies like ill health.
I always believe you can stay debt free if you plan your life and have a little bit of luck. Most people just fall into debts because of high magnitude emergencies like ill health.
Very true, everything has to do with planning. Like myself so far I have never had to borrow form anyone and I am hoping it would never get to that level because I am seriously trying to manage myself.
I surrendered my credit card because it gave me a headache when it was gotten by fire and the bank was not reached right away because of the merging issues of banks. I realized late that our account unpaid will double every two years.
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