Is it a must to have a college degree for you to succeed in business?

In some countries, highly educated people from top colleges often do not succeed in business, because their college classmates working in government agencies are extremely ruthless in destroying their life and business, robbing orders, leads.
I think you would need more of skills, expertise and creativity. It is not formal education but more of skills training
You have hit the nail on its head. The creativity and experience is what makes most people to make a killing inn business.
I am actually being confused here. For one to succeed in the business venture is a must for them to acquire knowledge from college or university?
In fact, some of the most successful entrepreneurs i know don't have any college or university certificate. Though education helps to broaden our scope. Success in business requires business sagacity and determination.
Even in marketing class, they don't teach you how to hack into a mind of an uneducated customer with his crude nature to convince him or her to buy. You learn business from experience and not from theories. A college degree just gives better comprehension than real business advantage.
You can gather and build your business acumen from books. No one should ever make you feel that they know more than just because they attended and ran a program in Business. It is a skill that can be learned formally.
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