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Is it bad to make prayers compulsory for staff in your business?

Oct 3, 2023
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Business persons are known to be very logical, always not factoring in anything that isn't productive into their businesses. Religion is one of those things that is not considered in business operations.

But I worked in a place where we prayed every morning before we started work. We prayed before we closed. And we used to have a solemn assembly every first day of the month. It was compulsory for every staff. Lots of people criticized the owner of the business for that.

Is it wrong to force your staff to pray in your organization?
I think that depends on the religion of the boss or owner. He might be a born-again Christian. I noticed that they pray anytime and anywhere which is not good. I experienced it on the first day of my work when the manager forced us to attend their church assembly which is very unethical. We were so tired and at the end of the day we were forced to go with him, so I quit the next day and he was stunned.
A place of business should respect each individuals religious preference as long as it doesn't affect the workplace, the work or other staff members.

Prayers shouldn't be made compulsory, but can be encouraged if you're of the same faith.
In a country, if there is a business or company leader who forbids his employees from praying in any religion, if it is reported to the government the business can be closed. So working people can pray in any religion even though the religion of the owner/company leader is different from the employees.
In a country, if there is a business or company leader who forbids his employees from praying in any religion, if it is reported to the government the business can be closed. So working people can pray in any religion even though the religion of the owner/company leader is different from the employees.
It is not happening in my country dunno in the entire Philippines. When we have a meeting, we start with a prayer, and no one is seen praying solo. I can pray in silence or through my mind .
It is not happening in my country dunno in the entire Philippines. When we have a meeting, we start with a prayer, and no one is seen praying solo. I can pray in silence or through my mind .
At formal meetings or ceremonies attended by various religions, when the leader gives the order to pray according to their respective religions, everyone is silent and just prays silently.
I think it doesn't resonate with the spirit if religious tolerance for any boss to force his staff to pray. The staff might be atheist and doesn't want to pray to any God. That should be respected.
Put religion aside while running a business, not everyone is religious and you do not have to be religious to become creative., productive, as well as efficient. Religion is a private affair, keep it to yourself.
I agree with you, forcing you workers to pray is not a good thing, since there are many religions and peoples follow different religions we can't force them to pray, and we need to respect others opinion and choice, that is being mature. forcing workers because you have a power and you are the owner of the business is not good thing to do.
I understand how this works. On the other way round, you can spell out that condition before employing a staff and let that staff choose to work for you with that religious condition or not.
I understand how this works. On the other way round, you can spell out that condition before employing a staff and let that staff choose to work for you with that religious condition or not.
This is also a good way, letting the workers the rule and regulation of the company, and offering them to choose is a good thing.
It's not a bad idea, most businesses over here usually having prayer sections at the beginning of the day before startup. Then again it also depends on the religion of your employees. In a situation where some might not be believers, it might be awkward forcing them to pray before startup.
The reason why we have violent crimes spearheaded by religion all boils down to religious intolerance. And a similitude of it is demonstrated when a boss forces staff who has a different religious belief to pray in the boss' religion. It should be condemned entirely.
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