Is it best for a construction mason to charge his clients per day or per contract?

Oct 3, 2023
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I have an uncle who is a mason and he has just come back from what was supposed to be a business negotiation for a big building project. From what I gathered, negotiations stalled because the client refused to pay for the whole contract and rather opted to pay him and his team per day.

I am lost on the difference of being paid per day or being paid for a whole contract at once for a mason. Why would a mason prefer to be paid per day or per contract? Which conditions make one payment pattern suitable or unsuitable for a mason?
It depends on their reasons though but there are some who prefer paying per day, so they can easily monitor the amount of work done each day, or to ensure the contract is being completed.
I think most masons prefer to be paid for the whole contract so they can mobilize men and resources to finish that project within a reasonably short period and move on to find other projects to complete.
All depends on the conditions of the projects. Some projects receive payment on installments. While some receive all payment once. When a contractor receive payment installmentally, he is bound to prefer daily basis work. Daily pay helps him to assess the work done and what should be done. Through this means he can have something to show to the person that give him work. Another factor is trust level. You don't give huge amount of money to someone who you don't know.
I think it is very profitable to charge the clients per contract. Most of the contractors often make a killing through the same.
True. The contractors are not being paid daily but per contract. All these daily payments, you are running a risk if working and not getting paid because the contractor can decide to misbehave along the way.
For a construction mason, getting paid per day is a good thing because they can spend more time and get paid a lot of money, but if they get a contract, even if the work is hard and takes a lot of time, they don't get additional payment, so I think getting paid per day for masons is a good thing.
For a construction mason, getting paid per day is a good thing because they can spend more time and get paid a lot of money, but if they get a contract, even if the work is hard and takes a lot of time, they don't get additional payment, so I think getting paid per day for masons is a good thing.
I think they would still be a standard to measure the amount of work done before payments would be issued out. They obviously won't allow him to be laying around to come claim payments.
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