Is It Better to Buy Local Stocks or Global Stocks?

Oct 1, 2023
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The number of mobile apps makes it easier for us to invest in stocks both locally and globally. However, this does not mean that global stocks will always be more profitable than local stocks. Local stocks mean all shares that are issued only in a country and traded only in that country. Meanwhile, Global stocks are shares traded on global markets such as Apple, Saudi Aramco, Microsoft, Alphabet Google, etc. So in your opinion, which is more profitable, local stocks or global stocks?
When buying stocks, you should look at the economy situation of such country. Here in my country the economy is not stable, don't expect I will comfortably buy a lot of shares, no I will rather buy from a country where I have assurance and from a reputable company too.
When buying stocks we also hope for dividends, for global stocks we lack information about fundamentals, so it will be difficult to predict or analyze, in contrast to local stocks there are many official information sources,
From my experience international stocks have given me more profits as compared to local stocks but still i invest in both local and international stocks beacause it is always good to spread your income across board so as to reduce the risk potential just in case the financial outlook favours more the local parameter than the international parameters and vice versa.
From my experience international stocks have given me more profits as compared to local stocks but still i invest in both local and international stocks beacause it is always good to spread your income across board so as to reduce the risk potential just in case the financial outlook favours more the local parameter than the international parameters and vice versa.
I agree with your opinion, international stocks will be able to make more profits, but we have to buy stocks that are very well known and trusted, after all investors buy global stocks also as diversification.
In many countries it is not possible to easily purchase global shares and their prices are also higher. So investors with less free time are preferring to invest in shares of local companies.
I agree with your opinion, international stocks will be able to make more profits, but we have to buy stocks that are very well known and trusted, after all investors buy global stocks also as diversification.
That is very true, people need to understand that the stock market is volatile, so we should ensure we are very conversant with what we are doing. That is why as a beginner it is good to start with buying ETFs because these are usually comprised of a pool of quality companies that will guarantee you dividends. People should know that you do not grow rich overnight when you start investing but rather in the long run when you are disciplined and are compounding your income and in the period of about five to ten years you can start seeing a substantial amount hitting your account for life.
I think it depends on the individual though, I don't really know much about stocks but it would be best to invest in both. It would be moe like spreading your bread on many waters.
I would prefer to stick to local stocks. That would mean you are buying stocks from companies that you really know ajs can assess their performance by yourself. Statistics might not tell the whole story. And that's what buying global stocks give as a basis for decision making.
I think 100 percent global companies are more profitable because they work in more developed and richer countries. I would not like to buy shares of companies of my own country, because they are probably constantly falling due to the fact that the population is poorer and less goods are sold
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