Is it ethical to use animals for experiments?

Sep 28, 2023
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As an animal lover, I strongly believe that animal experiments are unethical in all aspects. Animals have emotions too, so they can feel pain. Humans have no right to hurt animals. It tortures them and can sometimes even lead to death, all just because of humans' interests. The quality of life of animals is equally important as that of humans. That's why I really don't understand some people who are doing experiments on animals without considering how the animals are treated.

I watched Guardians of the Galaxy, vol. 3 last night (I don't know if you're familiar with this movie, but it's one of the MCU), and there's some scene where animals are being experimented on (spoiler alert 🫢), and I really pitied them. Even if it was just a movie, I still felt hurt. So yeah, for me, it is really unethical to do experiments on animals.

How about you? What's your opinion about this?
Yeah it is bad to do experiments on animals, but see on the good side most of the times rats are good for experiments and they use rat because they have short life and genetic similarity with humans, and also not only for humans when animals get sick it is mandatory to give them treatment and if they didn't makes some experiment in small amount of animals to find the cure then from that disease all animals will die, so it is mandatory to do some experiment on animals. to save the lifs of the animals live in the world.
It is very difficult for me to let go, because many medical drugs that can save a person's life are tested on animals. Can we sacrifice ourselves for animals? I definitely do not support when this is done for the sake of some cosmetics, because it is not a necessary part of our life
I think it depends on how these experiments are carried out, cause besides animals, the only other option is to use humans. If the testing and experiments are in the minimum, I think it should be okay, but when it becomes inhumane, just like in the case of the Guardians of the galaxy, then it is no longer ethical.
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