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Is it possible to set up a solar power system with just $200?

King Belieal

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Oct 1, 2023
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With the spirit of having to start small, is it possible for someone to set up a solar system of $200 for just a single room apartment?

If it is possible, what are the components that the person needs to buy to be able to achieve his mini solar system with that amount?
$200 in naira currently is around 249,000 or 250,000. I doubt this would be enough if you want to setup a solar system that can carry things like your fan, tv fridge and the likes.
The amount you will spend depends on the energy out you require. If you want to empower yor TV, fridge, electric bulbs, etc, i think 200 dollars will not be enough. One solar battery is around 120,000 naira and you need like three solar batteries to power your above mentioned devices.
Solar power system installation can be a bit costly affair, but it saves you a lot more in long run. 200 dollars might not be sufficient. Since you have limited requirements a small set up will do. But still you have to stretch a bit. You can get small solar batteries in that money. Here, small good quality solar batteries cost between 100_150 dollars.
7 years ago, it was possible for $200 to build a solar system but not anymore. You might be needing at least double of that amount to get a solar system.
I am unsure if it is feasible nowadays since everything is more expensive. $200 won't cut it. You will need more than that, and you have to consider installation expenses and maintenance.
As for maintenance, it is not really expensive but that amount can't do much with a solar system, even the very basic ones.
We have been contemplating a lot in the last two years to get a solar panel installed on our roof. But things have not materialized so far. We have talked to few people and it seems that the initial cost is pretty high. But it is worth for the long term savings and for green energy. Anyways we have rain till January. We do get good sun only from January to May. But that would save electricity bill for half the year. A solar battery to support a small set up costs 100_150 dollara. Panels are much costlier.
JCVLon499Latest member