is Palm oil selling business profitable?

I believe that selling palm oil is profitable, however this is dependent on the demand for this product. Apart from food, palm oil can also be utilized in cosmetics.
That's right especially this time. The price of palm oil is triple and consumers are forced to buy the cheapest cooling oil.
I believe that selling palm oil is profitable, however this is dependent on the demand for this product. Apart from food, palm oil can also be utilized in cosmetics.
Yes they can be used to produce different things. So I think it is well used for different things and if is highly demanding
Yes it is extremely lucrative when you know where to buy and sell. I did my service year in Cross River and a lot of us back then make loads of money buying oil from farmers then going to their main market and even our own states to sell them at a more higher price.
If an entire country can base their entire economy on palm oil and the they prosper so well, you should know that palm oil is very lucrative product to sell. If you have access to buy palm oil and resale, you would make money.
Everything about oil is lucrative whether it is palm oil or crude oil. Palm oil is both globally and locally in demand. I have been into palm oil business and i make a lot of money then. I stopped the business because there is a lot stress and unrest.
That's right anything oil is always in high demand as there are a lot we can use it for.
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