Is Token Presale Profitable?

Oct 1, 2023
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There are many ways that crypto lovers can make a profit, apart from trading on the exchange, staking, investing long term and also hunting for presale tokens such as ICO, IEO, IDO etc. before they are bought and sold on the exchange, so that the price is cheaper than the original price. so it is possible to make bigger profits.

Of course, the higher the level of profit, the higher the risk. Early stage investors often make big profits, but we also need to study risks such as vesting, and the possibility of token projects failing. Purchasing presale tokens is also done without going through an exchange but purchasing directly from the developer.
There is no guarantee that buying a token on presale would be profitable. In all, you have ro do your own investigation and trust your gut feelings. There are many tokens that were on presale but never got to be launched and early investors lost their funds.
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