It's much easier to give advice than to take it. Do you agree with this?

When giving advice you only consider the right thing to do but when you do it there are factors like influence your actions that's why people do the wrong things for the right reasons.
It definitely is easier to accept advice. Most times, advice comes from a place of criticism or correction of one's actions which goes against our preferences as humans.

People thus take it as an insult instead of carefully doing the right thing.
When giving advice you only consider the right thing to do but when you do it there are factors like influence your actions that's why people do the wrong things for the right reasons.
True, its quite easy to advise someone; all we need to do is think the right way, but receiving advice is not easy.
It's two different things I think that actually using the advice is very hard and very few people do that another thing is that not all advices ars good some only do more bad than gokd
True, only a few use the advice they give to other people, and yes, some give bad advice to you.
Yes, this is more like do as I say jut don't do what I'm doing which points to one being sn hypocrite. You can't even do what you tell others.
Lol, that is right. Let's not tell others what we can't manage to do.
True, giving advice is usually a lot more easier compared to when you have to work with that advice. This is why you see people easily dish out advice to how others train their children and the likes but can't do much when it comes to their own.
True, giving advice is usually a lot more easier compared to when you have to work with that advice. This is why you see people easily dish out advice to how others train their children and the likes but can't do much when it comes to their own.
This is the funniest part. People would always give unsolicited advice but can't do a dime of ehst they are saying. it is disgusting to know that
That's what happens, everyone has a different character, someone who wants progress will be open and able to accept advice from other people, while selfish people often don't accept other people's advice.
Exactly. Those who are willing to change will accept others opinions and advice, but those who don't accept advice are not going to change.
Advice is undoubtedly easier said than done because we are not emotionally involved in the circumstances in which we advise others. Since we are not inside the scenario, we are able to evaluate it objectively. However, when it comes to our own issues, we frequently lose perspective because of our strong emotional attachment to the problem. That's why some people are having a hard time taking advice.
To speak the truth, giving advice or advising someone is way easier than taking an advice from others, everyone can give an advice but only few take advice from another peoples.
This is very, very true, Kirubel.
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