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Learning from failure is also part of growth


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Sep 21, 2023
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One thing an entrepreneur should never be scared of is failure. There are so many persons today with huge potentials but due to fear of failing, they have completely trapped themselves in one spot. Though no one enjoys failing and would plan for it, but if it does happens, it's also a learning process.
One thing an entrepreneur should never be scared of is failure. There are so many persons today with huge potentials but due to fear of failing, they have completely trapped themselves in one spot. Though no one enjoys failing and would plan for it, but if it does happens, it's also a learning process.
Yes, some aspiring entrepreneurs are afraid of failure, yet it is often unavoidable when starting a business. Use your failure to learn from it and improve the next time.
agree. and failure is not a loss; it is a gain because you learn, change, and grow, all of which are necessary for a successful individual, especially for entrepreneurs.
BorisKirwaLatest member