Lions don't dream of hunting, they just go and hunt

Sep 25, 2023
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We are humans gifted with amazing brains but some of them are afraid to advance their financial lives for fear of some unknowns. Let us be like lions that do not dream to hunt. They just go and hunt. They are king of the jungles but we humans are the captains of our sails so we know where and what to start to make our sailing safe and profitable. One type of sailing is investing. Are you a pro of this?
There is notting wrong with dreaming though, it is these dreams that act as fuel to push us to do better. It becomes an issue when all you do is dream and do not put in any action.
Lions go on hunting because when they were cubs, their mother taught them how to hunt. They have the skills.Therefore, before you can invest and start a business, you need to get claws (skills)
Lions go on hunting because when they were cubs, their mother taught them how to hunt. They have the skills.Therefore, before you can invest and start a business, you need to get claws (skills)
Very well said, before deciding to invest or do business, it's advisable to acquire skills first to avoid hinting and hunting in the wrong ways.
How I dream to be like a lion to hunt without fear. I know its very impossible, especially this time. We are now living in uncertainties because of a war of bullets and a war of prices that never go down.
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Lions only hunt when they are hungry and provide food for their cubs, but if they are full and have food then they will be lazy, and they will only look for meat, while humans will eat everything, even mountains are dug up, the soil is taken and sold for housing development.
I am not an investment professional since I have only been investing for 5 and a half years, but every year I learn more and invest more money, so I am more and more in this area.
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