Living Under Income

Oct 1, 2023
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Everyone will have different income and expenses, there are many ways we can save money, both by making plans and budgets, but often the hope of being able to collect money is in vain. So the first thing we have to do is change our mindset, not to live beyond our financial means, to live a simple and healthy lifestyle. We always try to cut unnecessary expenses, so that the ability to save will be greater. Do you have another opinion?
I have realized that most people have a problem in saving money out for the future use. That's why you would see people being burdened by debt.
If people are burdened with debt it means they are living above their income meaning their expenses are greater than their income. If your income is $500 per month then you should save at least 20% especially when you receive a salary/income.
If you live beyond your means, that equals debt, and debt is the opposite of prosperity and economic growth, if you want to live better in the future, cut expenses and adjust to your income.
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