Look out for tomorrow and forget momentary gains today as a business person.

King Belieal

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Oct 1, 2023
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When you are a business person, there are instances that you might have to chase momentary gains while jeopardizing tomorrow.

Don't cheat a customer to have more gains. Instead, look out to keep the customer to become a repeat customer. Always look out for the future. Don't practice unethical things to make gains today in your business and spoil tomorrow for yourself.
It is small mindedness that would make a business person cheat a customer that patronizes him or her. Even if the customer doesn't get to know about it at the spot, they would get to know one day and would hate your business and all it stands for.
This is why we have so many business owners who are willing to cheat and scam others today, they do not think of the future or what would happen later on. They are just after what they can get today.
That's right don't jeopardize tomorrow gains or customers by being a cheat. Don't even cheat on a customer to have more gains. Be a trust worthy seller to keep the customer to become a repeat customer.
What they don't understand is that referrals can push your business beyond boundaries that no one can imagine. And there is no way that someone you cheated would ever refer you to anyone. I call them hungry business people that have no vision.
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